Welcome, Witches

Ancient History: 

Novels and writing have always been an escape. In high school, I wrote to escape geometry class, using my imagination to disappear into a more exciting world than my own. My characters were always versions of myself, whether it was a girl trying to solve a ghostly mystery or a woman navigating impossible decisions while trying to be a good girlfriend and daughter. 

My writing is still my escape. I believe that good novels take us on magical journeys, giving us a chance as readers to be someone we aren’t, just for a little bit. 

In college, I was drawn to the Creative Writing courses, but never thought of pursuing it as a career because people can’t make a living as a writer. Even while taking those courses, I encountered many people whose noses turned up when I talked about wanting to write genre fiction, not literary fiction. 

I became a teacher, which let me talk about books and plays and nerd out with literature every day. It was also safe. I would always have a job, a decent retirement, and never have to worry about paying the bills. (We don’t mention the tradeoff of the low pay, ridiculous hours, and stress that came with it.)

 But, it was never enough. I found myself spending my nights still writing, creating fictional worlds to explore a life outside of my own. 

When I met my husband in 2017, he encouraged me to explore writing more than the little hobby I had. So, in 2018/2019, I started writing a lot more. And in 2020, when the world shut down, I took the chance to focus, and I published my three novels. 

Then, when I had to return to the classroom, return to the “new normal” as everyone said, I let all my hard work slip away. 

I came up with a lot of excuses why I wasn’t writing anymore. But that’s all they were. Excuses. 

I will not waste time giving them more power or life here. 


This summer, sitting in the sunshine after another exhausting and emotional school year ended, I realized I wanted out of teaching. 

Logically, it makes no sense. I am making a pretty decent living. I have benefits, a retirement plan that I am vested in. I have 13 years, going on 14 years of service. 

But it just isn’t enough anymore. 

I started journaling and realized that my heart has never left writing. (I will explore the power of journaling in later posts and how you can use it in a lot of different situations.)

Research and statistically, being a self-published author (a choice I’m making and will explain in the future), will not sustain me. 

But, writing and editing could. 

Plus, I am a teacher. Helping people is second nature to me. 

I’m an English teacher. Grammar and I go way back. 

I’m a theatre teacher. Helping students craft engaging stories is my jam. 

Combine those two with my personal experience with writing. I am a great editor. 

So, that brings me here. Starting over, picking up what I shoved into the very back of a closet years ago to try again. 

What’s different this time?

My mindset, for sure. I am very aware and was then that self-publishing is a lot of work and no one is an overnight success. But, by the time I learned the importance of building a readership before a launch, how to create engaging ads or having a newsletter, my third book was already written and being published. 

Also, in the deep recesses of my mind, I was going to be the exception to the rule. I was going to be a true overnight success. I never said it out loud and didn’t even believe it. But deep down, that’s what I wanted. I wanted it to be easy. 

I know now it won’t be. 

That’s why I am here. I want to be an author and editor full time. I want to write my stories and help others craft theirs. 


Part of my website and my YouTube channel is to document this journey, connect with readers and other authors and provide support and maybe someday guidance. 

The other part is to keep me on track and motivated. I need someone else to look over my shoulder and say yes, witch; you got this. 

How am I going to achieve my goals?

Right now, the plan is to post videos and blogs once a week. Each one will be related to my writing or editing journey and will include writing advice. I will talk about my struggles, my successes and everything in between. I also want to discuss the importance of editing, explore the different types of editing, what my editing process looks like and suggestions on self-editing. I will post content showing my inspiration, everything from hiking trips to me attempting recipes I will include in my cozy mysteries. 

I also want to talk about books. Because good writers also read and as a community, we need to show love and support for each other, not worry about whether they will be more successful than you. 

Most of all, I want to be authentic to myself and connect with my readers and fellow authors. 

I’m giving myself two years to get out of teaching and become a full-time author and editor. The journey starts now. 

Let’s get to work.